Make Your Own DIY Bee-Themed Memory Wire Bracelet

If you're a jewelry-making enthusiast, you're at the right place! I'm going to show you how to make a fabulous, fun, and really quick bracelet with memory wire and hollow mesh. The end result is a very cute and chic piece that you will surely fall in love with.

And guess what?

You can make this bracelet with me because I’ve made a YouTube tutorial to guide you through the entire process. Simply gather everything you need and get Silversilking!

I’m going to be using the cutters to cut the memory wire. And I know what you might be thinking- memory wire is a pretty strong metal. But trust me when I say that these cutters work just fine- speaking from personal experience, of course. Also, I would definitely recommend using heavy-duty cutters for cutting memory wire. As for the pliers, I got them from Wubbers.

We will also be needing some other materials such as:

Personally, I feel that the Pearlesque hollow mesh lends an unusual texture and a multi-layer sculptural vibe to this piece. Plus, the copper crystals really compliment the amber-colored chain. This Pearlesque mesh also has a kind of honey-like feel to it which is an added bonus because we’re going for a bee theme. What’s more, the crystals and memory wire go so well together- as if they were almost made for each other. I'll be using silver-plated memory wire, which you can readily find at literally any craft store because it's a very common bracelet component. As for the Tierra cast end caps, they are also available in my store here. They have a little hole at the top where we will basically feed the string. The charms and crystals are from The Bead Place, and they go really well with the whole bee theme. And that's it- you’re ready to make your very own memory wire bracelet!

I, for one, am super excited to work with these materials because they are all so intricate and charming. Plus, I have a thing for bees, and the whole idea of a bee-themed bracelet is just the best, if I should say so myself.

Tip 1: How To Increase The Diameter of Hollow Mesh

Now, if you're wondering how you can increase the diameter of the hollow mesh to accommodate the crystals better, it's pretty simple, actually. All you need is a chopstick, skewer, or maybe even a knitting needle- basically, any slender rod or needle Esque object should do the trick. Make sure whatever needle you use is very smooth and round and about 4mm in diameter. Just feed your mesh tube through one end of your object of choice and gently push the mesh over it until it comes out bigger on the other end. The hollow mesh will naturally open up as you work through it, and voila, you have a bigger Pearlesque mesh for the crystal beads.

Tip 2: How To Assemble Your Very Own Memory Wire Bracelet

Once you’ve gathered all your materials, you should start by stringing the beads or crystals onto your memory wire. Add earring stoppers at both ends to ensure that everything stays in place, and the beads don't slide off the wire. The stoppers will also be helpful when feeding the wire. Moreover, you need to make sure that one of the ends is dull. For this, you should get your chain nose pliers and bend one of the sides to create a tiny hook, and there- you have a blunt end. This is important, so your wire doesn't get caught up in anything while you're feeding it into the Pearlesque chain.

Tip 3: Push, Push & Push Some More

Get working on pushing your memory wire through the hollow mesh. This definitely demands quite a bit of time and effort, especially since you will need to both works your way around the coils and through the wire. However, rest assured that it will be totally worth it because the end result is going to blow you away. Sure, it would be a lot easier with a straight beading wire, but would it be pretty? Good things take time, so just be patient and keep pushing to get your memory wire out through the other side of the chain. There really isn't any big secret to getting it right- you just need to keep pushing patiently. However, rolling it as it’s being strung on does help make it a little bit easier. Also, sometimes, the beads will shift despite the stoppers, and you'll have gaps in the bracelet, but this is nothing to worry about because you can adjust it at the end.

Tip 4: Lose The Earring Stoppers

When a good portion of the wire is through the chain, you should work on making any necessary adjustments, and the rest will come together on their own. Also, at this point, you can remove one of the earring stoppers. Simply trim the little hook off, and you can easily take off the stopper. But be sure to secure the last bit of the knitted wire. Don't worry if it's a little messy, though, since it will be covered by the end cap anyways.

Now, for the other free-flowing side, get in with your round nose pliers and make a loop facing outward. It needs to be outwards so that we can attach the charms. Follow this by stringing everything towards the hook to make it nice and tight. Also, now is a good time to pull out the second earring stopper. Additionally, you need to ascertain that the second wire is fully secure so that the whole thing is kind of bundled up. You can get an extra piece of 26-gauge-wire to wrap around the second wire to completely secure it. Honestly, though, this is optional, and it should be fine either way.

Tip 5: Finish Off With Our Bee Themed Charms

Slide on the Tierra cast end caps for a super professional finish. Then trim off around ½ an inch of the wire and create a loop that faces inside but top-front like the other. Take your standard round nose pliers and continue bending. Your bracelet is now ready for the charms. So, grab the jump rings and our bee-themed charms and attach them to the chain- yes, it’s that easy!

Finally, grab your handy pliers to completely close the seam. And there you have it- your very own effortlessly picturesque bee-themed memory wire bracelet with hollow mesh.

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Can I Go for a Different Theme?

Yes, absolutely! If you’re not a bee fan or if you simply want to try something different, by all means, do. Like I always say, experimentation is key to creating masterpieces. Jewelry making is all about having fun and so, just let your creativity run wild. Don’t be afraid to try a different theme or color. Remember that there is truly no wrong way to do it and thus, whatever you want to try is definitely worth doing. If you don’t like how it turns out, you can start over anyway, so it’s all good. Don’t hesitate. Let your inner child have their way.

Go Get Yours!

I just love jewelry that is effortless to make and wear, just like this memory wire bracelet. You don't even have to fiddle with a clasp. You can simply slide on the bracelet and accessorize it with your favorite outfits. It is definitely a fashion statement in all its unique and vibrant glory. Not to mention, it is super easy and fun to create. You don’t need any fancy techniques or equipment to get the job done- all you need is a little patience and lots of creativity. Also, don’t be afraid to go for a different theme or color- do whatever floats your boat because honestly, you can’t go wrong with these beautiful materials.

You can find almost all of these materials on the SilverSilk & More website here. Also, watch the full video tutorial on my YouTube channel here to recreate this amazing piece. Snap a picture of your own bracelet and post it in our Facebook group SilverSilk Silkies here so we can all gush over it together! You know, just a bunch of jewelry fanatics appreciating each other and nourishing their shared love of beautiful handmade jewelry. And who knows, you might even find inspiration for your next piece in the group.

In fact, I release new video tutorials on YouTube every Tuesday, so be sure to subscribe to my channel here so that you don’t miss any of the videos. Also, I am always open to queries, so feel free to email me at if you have any questions.

HUGS to you all!

Nealay Patel

I exercise my craft in designing, educating and publishing various jewelry works. My checklist of accomplishments includes writing three jewelry-making books, hosting workshops at many trade shows, making television appearances on Beads, Baubles and Jewels and Jewel School on the Jewelry Television Network. Aside from actively participating in my own brand, Beads & Bubbles, I’m also a designer for Jesse James beads and Soft Flex Wire and I work full-time as an art director in my hometown, Tulsa, Oklahoma. I'm excited to grow SilverSilk & More and learning all the challenges that come with it. I look forward to working with you.

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